Saturday 10 December 2011

the chrismas season is around the corner

Christmas season is here with us again.A lot will be happening for many families,there will be exchange of gifts,family reunions,adventure trips,and just enjoying the festivities that come with the christmas season.However how many of us think about those who may never have the opportunity to enjoy these privileges.I have been involved with the poor for many years and visited many slums while in india and now in Kenya,and many times have met many families that have nothing to eat,no bed to sleep on,not even a blanket.Many cannot even afford to take their children to School,others have health challenges,and they lack money to afford them proper medical care.This christmas season,before you spend all your money on the gifts and the expensive toys,please remember a child and a family in the slums of Nairobi who will have nothing to enjoy this christmas.Send a love gift donation of 10,20,30,50 dollars or pounds, and help us put a smile on a child or family please get in touch via tel+2547218054, or email, or via our facebook page i.e or wire the money through our cooperative bank account number 0112030287200,swift code cookena,account name Wings of Mercy